Julian and the Challenge of Chronic Illness | Dorset, UK | 14th May

Julian of Norwich and the Challenge of Chronic Illness
Sunday 14th May 2023
St Candida and Holy Cross, Whitchurch Canicorum, Dorset DT6 6RQ
11am Healing Service and Holy Communion
12.30pm Bring and Share Lunch
1pm-2.30pm Introducing Julian: a presentation of her contemporary significance
especially in relationship to healing.
All are welcome to all or part of this event, which will include space for quiet contemplation and sharing, as well as learning about Julian’s insight into living with chronic illness.
It is taking place at the shrine church of St Candida with an ancient history of healing prayer set in the tranquil beauty of the Marshwood Vale and is part of the celebration of the 650th Anniversary of Julian’s Revelations of Divine Love.
Contact: jashdown44@gmail.com 01297 561148
James Ashdown is a Companion of Julian of Norwich and Licensed Lay Minister with a long history of engaging with chronic illness
Reverend Lucyann Ashdown is the Chaplain at Exeter Hospiscare