An Opportunity To Contribute Towards A Special Seat Commemorating Julian
The Julian650 anniversary group have commissioned a hand-carved bench, especially designed, and created to celebrate the ongoing witness of Julian, as we mark 650 years since the Shewings she received in May 1373. This will be placed outside the cell in St Julian's Church Garden, a peaceful place in which pilgrims and visitors alike can rest.
This bespoke and functional work of art, in oak and slate, will incorporate some of Julian’s words. It will be created by letter carver Martin Cook, whose work is made using traditional tools. Martin's commissions have included carved lettering for the British Museum Reading Room and work commissioned by the Royal Family. You can read about Martin's work on his website here
The cost of producing the bench will be around £6,000. The Friends of Julian Trustees have generously agreed to match-fund donations up to the value of £3,000, giving £1 for each pound that is donated. We invite you to consider contributing to this special commission, which will honour Julian’s legacy during 2023 and beyond. If the donations exceed £3,000, the extra funds received will be put towards another Julian650 project or event.
If you would like to contribute, the best way is to pay by Bank Transfer, making sure you use the reference ‘BENCH’. Account Name: FRIENDS OF JULIAN OF NORWICH; Account Number: 68040253; Sort Code: 60-15-31
Overseas Donors only: BIC: NWBKGB2L
IBAN: GB13 NWBK 6015 3168 040253
Alternatively, if you are resident in the UK, you can send a cheque (with the word 'bench' on the back), making it payable to: 'Friends of Julian of Norwich'. The cheque should be posted to: The Julian Centre, St Julian’s Alley, Rouen Road, Norwich NR1 1QT.
A contribution of any size will be gratefully received; we thank you for any support you’re able to offer.