CELL a new play by Cindy Oswin, performed at Dragon Hall at 7.30pm on Friday, 10th May

We're very pleased to be collaborating with the National Centre for Writing, our next door neighbours in King Street as part of this year's May Festival.

Cindy writes,

"Julian of Norwich has been tugging at my sleeve for thirty years, ever since I learned all about her ‘Revelations of Divine Love’ from a friend on a long car journey down to Devon. So when I was commissioned by Somerville College, Oxford to devise a solo theatre piece for their conference ‘New Visions of Julian of Norwich’ in 2022, I knew that the time had come and I began to research and write. 

I realised early on during a rough try-out of ‘Cell’ -  which I performed in front of a small, invited audience - just quite how powerful is Julian’s story. It speaks to us after six hundred years with a clear, highly intelligent voice, full of wisdom, insight and love. It held the listeners who knew nothing about her and moved others who did.

‘Cell’ is a unique encounter between Julian - an enclosed anchorite from the 14th century - and a troubled woman from 2024. It examines Julian’s remarkable life and writing in a spirit of inquiry, humour and hope."

Please click here for tickets and more information.

 Some audience feedback from the Oxford performance:

‘The idea was very powerful’  ‘…a great image for how we project our ideas about Julian’  ‘…loved the humour throughout’  ‘…cut across the more stereotypical view of Julian’ ‘thought provoking’ ‘innovative use of Julian’s life and work’  ‘A really fantastic ending.’

Cindy Oswin Biography

"I have a special interest in researching and using archive material leading to performance. This includes a commission by the British Library to write and perform the solo play about Gertrude Stein, ‘A Salon with Gertrude and Alice.’  Shakespeare's Globe commissioned the masque ‘The Triumph of Hope,’ for the royal event. Opera commissions include the libretto for 'A Better Place', by the English National Opera and last year the opera 'Take Care' received its premiere and was commissioned by Nottingham University. ‘Cell’ will be performed as part of the British Library’s Medieval Women exhibition – Medieval Women 2024/25."


Facebook: cindy.oswin

Instagram: cindyoswin43

X Twitter: @cindy_oswin 

CELL is supported by TORCH, The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities who funded the Cell commission from Somerville College.

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