Film | 'Love Was His Meaning' | 20th May | Aylsham, Norfolk

‘Love Was His Meaning’
Saturday 20th May 2-4pm
The Friends Meeting House, Peggs Yard, Aylsham NR11 6ER
A celebration of the life of Fr Robert Llewelyn, filmed by Denise Treissman in the UK and India, including excerpts of Fr Robert speaking about Julian.
Robert Llewelyn was an Anglican priest, a retreat leader, an educator, a speaker, a spiritual director and for many years Chaplain of the Julian Shrine in Norwich. He wrote ten books on prayer, spirituality, Julian of Norwich and the Saints and was editor of the Enfolded in Love series. He died in February 2008 aged ninety-eight.
More information and tickets (by donation) are available here
Sponsored by Denise Treismann.
The film will also be shown on the 12th July in Norwich.