Invitation to participate in a creative response to Julian's experience of the Black Death pandemic
One of our Friends, Karlee Lillywhite, has been feeling that, as we approach Julian's Feast Day once again (8th May), we are in a time when her words have never been more relevant and needed by the world. Karlee has started a series of creative responses to the Revelations. Do please explore her work here to see if you think you might be interested in participating with her.
"Julian of Norwich was one of the many anchorites, or anchoresses, of medieval England. She survived the Black Death as a child while about half of those around her perished. Then, when she was a young woman, the plague returned and killed another twenty percent of the population. A decade later she had her visions and began writing Revelations of Divine Love from her anchorhold.
I felt a deep connection to Julian from the moment I began reading her words a few years ago, but I never imagined that I would ever relate to anything like experiencing a global pandemic or extreme social isolation..."