Julian of Norwich: her life and background | Norfolk Record Office, Norwich | 12th May | EVENT FULLY BOOKED

Julian of Norwich: her life and background
Friday, 12th May 2-4pm
Norfolk Record Office, Norwich, NR1 2DQ
This event is now full
During the session Howard Green, Secretary to the Friends of Julian, will re-read a lecture written 50 years ago especially for the 600th anniversary, by the then Assistant Archivist of the Record Office, F.I. Dunn BA – Hermits, Anchorites and Recluses: A Study with reference to Medieval Norwich. It is a fascinating insight into the high number of recluses living around the same time as Julian, none of whom, unfortunately, have left us a book to reveal their inner life as Julian has done. Next, former archivist Frank Meeres will look at what we know from contemporary documents about Julian’s life. Finally, there will be a chance to see original documents that mention Julian and later documents relating to the church.