'Julian of Norwich: Mother, Mystic, Radical' | Author Claire Gilbert with Jeremy Irons | Norwich Cathedral | 14th May | SOLD OUT

‘Julian of Norwich: Mother, Mystic, Radical’
A conversation between author Claire Gilbert and Jeremy Irons, chaired by the Dean of Norwich
Norwich Cathedral 14th May 2pm
Please note this event is now sold out
The 14th century visionary Julian of Norwich was the first woman, as far as we know, to write in English. Her book Revelations of Divine Love is known and loved by many, but her own story remains something of a mystery.
Julian is the subject of Claire Gilbert’s research and forthcoming book Restoring Porosity: Julian of Norwich and ecological consciousness. When Claire was diagnosed with cancer, Julian ceased to be an academic object and became Claire's spiritual companion through two and half years of gruelling treatment. As the treatment drew to a close, she heard what can only be described as a call to tell Julian’s story in the first person, in homage to her.
Her fictional autobiography I, Julian, published with unexpectedly appropriate timing at the 650th anniversary of Julian’s May 1373 visions, is the result. Claire will read from her novel and speak about her own ‘vision’ of Julian’s life, which was lived in times as turbulent as our own.
Julian’s relevance to our modern world was made evident by the poet TS Eliot, who was deeply influenced by her fearless and porous response to terrifying prospects: the plague, the rise of Nazi Germany and world war. Jeremy Irons will read from Four Quartets to show the resonances between them.
Photo of Claire & book cover © Hodder & Stoughton Photo of Jeremy Irons © His publicist