New Curate named for St. Julian’s and the Julian Campus as the pandemic eases

We were very pleased to announce in January that Edwin Wilton-Morgan has been appointed to serve his curacy at Norwich Cathedral, under the care of the Dean and Chapter, but with a particular ministerial focus at St Julian’s and the Julian Campus, where he will play a significant role in developing our mission not only to visitors and pilgrims but, just as importantly, to the local area where massive regeneration in recent years offers many opportunities for real engagement and service. Edwin is currently in his third year of formation at Westcott House, Cambridge, and will, God willing, be ordained Deacon at Norwich Cathedral just before St Peter’s Day this June. Please pray for him, that he may be a faithful and loving pastor and servant.


The pandemic has inevitably delayed and disrupted many of our plans, and progress since early 2020 has been slow and complex, but I hope you will agree that we are moving forward steadily with our hopes to generate at the Julian campus a renewed and vibrant centre of worship, prayer, education and hospitality as we prepare for the 650th anniversary of the Shewings in 2023. I look forward to welcoming many of you in the coming months. The Friends are remembered daily at Evening Prayer in St Julian’s (6pm), and the regular celebration of the Eucharist is of course the heart of everything we do. Please support us as generously as you can with your prayers, your practical help and your giving. As we walk once more with our Lord along the Way of Sorrows, may he help us to recognise in his Cross the source of life and peace, so that we may come with him to the joy of Easter and be faithful witnesses of his Resurrection.


1 comment

  • Father, your prayers! The news from St Julian’s and the new Julian Partnership is thrilling and very much what I was hoping to see. I hope we may stay in touch as things develop there. My Presvytera Sharon and I were blessed to be part of the initial decision-making, but we felt at the time that we should not sit on the board, since we are Americans. However, I am now fully retired and hope that we may come to see you and our friends there in the not-too-distant future, as travel gets back to normal. An interesting point is that, although we are members of the Orthodox Church, Sharon and I long ago were received as Associates of the CAH—which makes me, I think, the only Orthodox priest in the world who is also an Anglican nun (almost at least).

    Please keep us in your prayers. Your brother in Christ, +Fr Brendan


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