Julian features in a new book about medieval women - Norwich Book Festival 27th October 2024


12-1pm Sunday 27th October 2024 at the National Centre for Writing in King Street, Norwich

Join author Hetta Howes to discover four medieval women in Poet, Mystic, Widow, Wife.

This new history book focuses on the stories of four extraordinary women writers: Julian of Norwich, mystic and anchoress; Marie de France, a poet; Christine de Pizan, a widow and court writer; and Margery Kempe, a ‘no-good’ wife.

The event will be chaired by Sally-Anne Lomas, Friends of Julian trustee and producer director of ‘The Search for the Lost Manuscript’: Julian of Norwich BBC 4 documentary.

You can book tickets at the Norwich Book Festival

Dr Hetta Howes is Senior Lecturer in Medieval and Early Modern Literature at City, University of London, and is a BBC/AHRC New Generation Thinker. Read more here

Hetta was a guest on BBC Woman's Hour on Julian's feast day 8th May 2023.

The Friends of Julian are pleased to announce that Dr Howes will deliver their annual Julian Lecture in Norwich on 10th May 2025.


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