'Julian of Norwich - The Movie'!
Caroline Golum, Director/Co-Writer, and her team from Cinema Firmament in New York are making a film about Julian.
Caroline writes, "Following our wildly successful crowdfunding campaign, we moved into a studio space on January 1st and spent six weeks building sets, getting props and wardrobe together, and prepping for the shoot, which began on Feb 9. Five weeks later, we wrapped on March 12, and managed to complete 80% of the film!
The remaining scenes are the most important - Julian's visions, which we plan to film in exterior locations in the NYC area. Our plan is to make these scenes look as "realistic" as possible, in contrast to the "stagey" look of Julian's waking life, so audiences will recognize her visionary experience as genuine, and not a hallucination.
Here are some stills from the cut my editor is putting together, I thought you'd enjoy seeing how the project is shaping up.
All shall be well."
The film is available on Cinema Firmament (Caroline’s page on VIMEO). You need to subscribe to a Vimeo
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