The Companions have been invited to write about their chosen 'Julian phrase'
Here is the first, from Chris Styles, CJN.
‘For it is His pleasure to reign
blissfully in our understanding,
and to sit restfully in our soul,
and to dwell endlessly in our
soul, working us all into himself.’
Above is my Julian phrase, from Chapter 57 of the Barry Windeatt translation of Revelations of Divine Love, chosen on becoming a Companion. I spent some time before choosing my phrase and it has become something I say every day after the prayer “I awake this morning in the presence of the holy angels of God. May heaven open wide before me, above me, and around me that I may set the Christ of my love and his sunlit company in all the things of the earth this day”. I am greatly enamoured of the angels and live in a village where the local Catholic church is dedicated to St Michael, so feel this is the place I should be.
I also like to have the Companions of Julian medal with me at my morning and evening prayers, and during my times of twice daily meditation, being a member of the World Community for Christian Meditation. Wearing the Companions medal also reminds me to pray daily for my fellow Companions, The Friends of Julian, the Trustees, the volunteers, Fr Richard the Vicar of Norwich parish churches St John’s Timberhill and St Julian’s, and Bishop Graham, the Norwich Diocesan Bishop.
Julian continually reminds us that Our Blessed Lord is part of the Holy Trinity and, as above, many of her writings reflect the Trinity. I love Julian’s reflection that there is no wrath in God. Each Sunday at the Eucharist we read a portion of the Old Testament as listed in the Lectionary and, so often, the writers of the Old Testament tell us, God is punishing wrongdoers. How good to know that God doesn’t get angry and is always and only a God of Love.
I read a book recently written by a man who was born Jewish, became a Roman Catholic at an early age, later became an ordained priest, and in later years returned to his Jewish roots. He clarified for me Jesus as an historical character, that is he put Our Lord’s life into its historical context. This gave me a new understanding of the Gospels and has enriched my faith. So, I think it is good to see Julian in the context and beliefs of her times. We grow in our faith by studying Julian’s wonderful revelations and their meaning for us in our daily lives.
Lord God, in your compassion you granted to Julian many revelations of your nurturing and sustaining love. Move our hearts, like hers, to see you above all things, for in giving us yourself you give us all. Amen.